We all have heard the name and almost equally concerned about it. It has become a major problem of waste disposal. Its simplest definition can be:
“waste is
unwanted or usable materials.”
Waste is
directly linked to human development both socially and technologically.
For example:
some typical waste include nuclear waste or plastics etc.
Some waste
have also some economical value of once it is correctly recovered it can be
Sometime waste can be a matter of
concept because thing which is useless for someone can be useful for other.
Waste can be a valuable resource as they have potential to act as raw materials
saving natural resources.
Modern waste
can be classified as follows:-
* Municipal solid waste
* Constructional waste and demolition waste
* Institutional waste, Commercial waste and
industrial waste
* Medical waste (Clinical wastes)
* Hazardous waste, Radioactive Waste and
Electronic Waste
* Biodegradable Waste
On a global scale it is difficult
to report the amount of the waste generated every country has its own
definition of Waste but BASEL convention estimate a 338 million tons while OCED
estimated 4 billions tons.
Waste can cause a hazardous effect on
environment and living thing if it is not managed properly.
Waste can attract rodents
and insects which can cause gastro intestinal parasite, yellow fever, worms,
the plague and other conditions for humans. Exposure to hazardous waste
particularly when they are burned can cause various other diseases including
cancer. Waste can contaminate surface water, Ground water, soil and Air which
cause more problems for humans other species and Ecosystem. Waste Treatment and
disposal produces significant amount of green house gas emission, which can
greatly contribute to global climate change.
Waste management must be
promoted to reduce ill effects of waste. Scavengers must be promoted and must
be saved from social abuse so that they can help better to save resources.
Spreading awareness in the area of waste and waste management is increasingly
important from global perspective of resource management. More technological
development is needed to the field of waste management so that maximum of the
waste can be obtained. It not only save environment, it also boost the economy
as reliability on raw materials considerably decreases.
Food Waste
What becomes a serious problem is
FOOD WASTE….. It is more likely to produce diseases, moreover a large part of
the world suffers from food shortage and in such situation wastage of food is
something unavoidable.
It is of two types:
Pre Consumer Waste:- Includes overproduction expired,
Trim waste, Spoilage, Overcooked etc.
Post Consumer Waste:- Plate waste, which include
rejected food, due to excess quantity.
Measures For
Food Wastage-
* Awareness about Plate waste or table scraps-food discarded by consumer,
customer, patients etc. They should realize the value of food that they are
rejecting and it can only be done by spreading awareness among them.
* Establishing Tracking/Control system to measure point at which food is
* Establish staff action team to review waste data, set waste
minimization goals and develop revise procedure and discuss about waste
produced is meeting frequently so as to aware everyone about it and also
discussing its economical part.
* Storage of food also plays major roles in reducing properly according
to standards, remain consumable and safe
for a longer period of time without noticeable degradation in quality.
* Conduct waste awareness arrive among students and staff and guests this
drive can invite ideas and suggestion.
* Fine can be imposed in mess on student which waste food on routine
* Food Wastage reduction can include recovery/donation program to re-use
product safety.
* We can search for local bio fuel producers so that the burnt
cooking oil can be utilised to
produce bio fuel. This helps environment
in two ways-:
1. bio fuel
2. Environmental
degradation/pollution is reduced
* To check quantity of that is being served generally guests do not eat
whole of the stuff and at last it wasted so it is better to check quantity
according to guests.
* Keeping record which items are being rejected and why?
This can help chefs and food service team to minimize the waste,
according to save 2-4% cost.
* Waste food which is not fit for consuming can be delivered to local bio
gas plants which can reduce it impact on environment and also help to produce
*We can review amount of material that is being served and its better to
serve multiple time, then all at once, it can save a lot of food.
Pre consumable waste must be minimized by proper planning.